Sofie Hertz




Læn Hjemvendt / Noon Equilibria / Untitled ( Voice and Peak ) I,II,III

/ Domestic Universe / Scape / Ark / ( . . . ) / Poter des Reves II

Envelope, soloshow, C4 Projects 2024

Untitled(Model 1 ) / Objectum / Dyo Oid / Untitled ( Portrait )

/ Estraier / Untitled( Model 2.1 )/ Medium / Porter des Reves / Untitled(Voile)

Model Spirit, soloshow, Kunsthal Kongegaarden 2022

Heart headed believer / DramaNoDrama / Affix Blend III

Stay, solo show, Faroe Island Contemporary 2021

Front / U Anobium

Kirsten Kjærs museum 2020

Snap still / Oid, WetWedge / Affix blend

Kunstcenter Silkeborg bad 2020

Positur (i pulpitur) / Positur (this code doubt virtue blue and whitish)

Kunst i kapellet Sankt Hans have ( KiSH ) 2019

Unchained, version 3 + 4 / Blood wave / One shape

Imellem tusinde tider, Gammelgaard Kunst og -kulturcenter 2019

Unchained / Heart Bone Ribbon / Incursions of Day / Blood Wave / Love tissue / Ventricle

Dear Ventricle, solo show, Kunsthal Ved siden af 2018

Ripple / One shape / The top of a shape

Shield, Kunsthal Ved siden af 2017

Mirrored pulse / Flow Cuts / Axis 1. Axis 2 / Sun.Sea

Enter with a gaze, solo show, OK Corral 2016

Back, version 1 + 2

Kolonien 2016

Fossils4Desire / Finds / Calm feet

Fossils4Desire, solo show, Grafikernes hus 2014

The Search / Cyber Relax / UltraSoftTherapyLuxury

Fossils4Desire, Exit show Kunsthal Charlottenborg 2014